Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Fudgey Vegan Brownies

Fudgey Vegan Brownies
Originally uploaded by plainsight.
These brownies were inspired by a recipe at VegWeb--"Rachels Amazing Brownies" but altered significantly to render them less healthy,(more fat & sugar, more everything really) but very, very yummy.

I tested out a Martha trick of lining the brownie pan with an oversized piece of parchment paper--the paper acts as a "sling" and lets you just lift the brownies out of the pan--it worked fabulously.


KleoPatra said...

I'm not sure if you heard me catch my breath as the photo of this loveliness showed up on my computer screen. That brownie is a thinkg of sheer beauty...

Teen Vegan said...

Those look ridiculously good! My vegan brownies always end up a bit too cakey and not fudgey enough, yours look perfect!

Harmonia said...

What a nice thing to be a tester for!!!

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