Monday, August 21, 2006

Beegee Boogoo Pot Pie

Biscuit-topped pot pie
Originally uploaded by plainsight.
This was a last-minute meal on Sunday--I used a prepared crust,(Wholly Healthy Whole Wheat) frozen veggies, chicken-style seitan, Road's End gravy (yum!) and mixed up some baking powder biscuit dough (from scratch) instead of a second crust for the top. I'd bet this would freeze very well, if you wanted to make something ahead. I should have doubled the biscuit dough, because we all like to eat them on their own with Earth Balance and Agave syrup. When my brother was little he loved biscuits but couldn't say Baking Powder, so he called them Beegee Boogoo Biscuits. We still call them that...


KleoPatra said...

i call them GORGEOUS!

They look great!!

Dori said...

Funny name... I like it better than baking powder. Looks like a hearty homestyle meal my family would like.