Cool Kool-aid: "Selma, her friend Elise and I did an experiment today with Kool-aid dyeing. Using some Lion Brand Fisherman's Wool and red (Fruit Punch) yellow (pineapple and mango) and blue (blue raspberry lemonade). We wanted to compare dyeing in the microwave to the 'sun tea' method.
Following the general guidlines of Kristi's Knitty article, we used ziploc bags for the 'sun tea' dyes and glass dishes for"
(Via The Hook and I.)
Cool dyed yarn. I've never seen such a thing before. What do you do with the wool once it's dyed?
Also, I gave you a thanks for the pickled ginger recipe on my blog. I made it and will make it again. I used the recipe that used a small beet, a bay leaf, and peppercorns.
Ooops. I will be publishing that blog later next week... I been creating up some food blog pages ahead and I promised a tomato soup page first. Anyway, look at the end of the week and you'll see my sushi (made with quinoa) rolls and the pickled ginger.
That is so rad! I have kool aid, yet no yarn.
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