Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Polenta Lasagne

Tonight we had a veganized version of the Polenta Lasagna with Creamy Mushroom Sauce from the current issue of Vegetarian Times. It was creamy and good. I don't make recipes from magazines very often, but Selma loves polenta, and I had been searching for some new ways to serve it. I used to make recipes all the time from Natural Health magazine--back when they were vegan.

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Dori said...

Selma needs the energy polenta can provide with all that high energy activity! ;-) I haven't made polenta here in a long time. I like it okay, but I'm the only one hwo does.

Harmonia said...

Thanks for the comment just now! So, you don't think the Buckwheat recipe was too weird? LOL

Good to hear!

Let me know if you have any other buckwheat groats suggestions!
I love polenta!!! Might have to buy some...yup! I take the easy way out on that one! :)