Sunday, July 16, 2006

New Picnic Table

New Picnic Table
Originally uploaded by plainsight.
I've been wanting a picnic table for a long time--growing up, my family had a big side porch and we often ate outside. I missed that--but I really wanted a table with separate, not attached benches. These are almost impossible to find. Finally, this summer we found a kit at Target for a table and benches, where they provide the legs, and you add the 2x4s to make the table any size you want. It's hard to see the scale here, but for my birthday, James built me a very. big. table. It's actually eight feet long. He stained it a curry color, which is really beautiful. now we're out there all the time, and we can fit tons of food and lots of people around it.

1 comment:

KleoPatra said...

Wonderful. We had a picnic table when i was a kid. Such nice memories. Hope you have many wonderful meals and other happy moments with that table and benches.

And i loooooooooooooove Target!